Our entire team is making sure to follow the necessary guidelines from the CDC by cleaning our massage rooms, waiting room and office area around the clock. As licensed Massage therapists, we are regulated by the board of health. Our therapists are properly trained to follow strict guidelines with proper sanitation on a regular basis even before the breakthrough of the coronavirus. With that being said, there are quite a few additional new protocols we will be taking with our employees and clients.
Increased cleaning procedures including 30 minutes in between each client to allow enough time to disinfect massage rooms, bathroom & waiting room.

All forms are now available online for any clients more comfortable completing forms before their appointment.

All therapists & clients are required to wear a mask at all times in our facility. New masks supplied upon arrival.

All therapists have been retrained on how to thoroughly disinfect all massage tools, massage beds and rooms. Disenfectant spray, alcohol spray & soap water are used after every client

All clients and therapists will have their temperature checked upon entrance. Any one with 100°F or higher will be sent home.

To avoid unnecessary exposure, all clients will stay in their vehicle until Therapist is ready. We allow only one client in the office at a time.
Upon arrival for shift, each employee's temperature is checked with a medical infrared thermometer.
Gloves(optional), protective jackets, masks worn at all times (new pair after every client)
Extreme hand washing before & after every client
Wiping down of all massage beds & headrests after every client with an EPA-approved disinfectant.
Washing all massage tools with soap and alcohol
Wiping down doorknobs(both sides) with an EPA-approved disinfectant
Wiping down front desk, computer keyboards, phone and pens with an EPA-approved disinfectant
Wiping waiting room surfaces, racks, shelves, tables, chair handles with an EPA-approved disinfectant
Wiping all Bathroom surfaces, including the toilet flush handle with an EPA-approved disinfectant
Wiping down all Bottles, including essential oils, massage creams and oils
Wiping down all walls after each session
Vaccinated clients may take off their masks in the massage room. You will still have to wear a mask in all common areas in the building and office lobby. You must bring your vaccination card to your next appointment for verification.
**All staff will continue to wear their masks at all times. **
You will receive a phone call before your scheduled appointment to confirm and ask some pre-screening Health questions.
If we are not able to reach you, we have our pre-screening health form available online as well. Click the button below & click on "Covid-19 Health Screening Form." This must be completed the day before your appointment date. No earlier.
Please remain in your car upon arrival for your appointment. Call 201-673-2295 & we will call or text you when your therapist is ready for you to come in.
Please enter the office building with a mask on.
When entering our office, we will require that you throw away or put away the mask you are wearing and we will provide a new mask.
Hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes will be available at office entrance. We ask that you use before entering treatment room
Front desk will take your temperature with a touch less medical Infrared thermometer that is cleaned with alcohol after each use. ANY CLIENT WITH A TEMPERATURE 100.4°F OR HIGHER WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE.
In massage rooms, clients may choose to wear their masks during the entire session or take them off only while faced down. We place a cotton pillowcase over face rests as another protective layer. When facing up, all clients must put back on their face masks. No exceptions.
As more information about the pandemic and how its spread becomes available we have come to know that it is not spread on shoes and cash. We are able to avoid transmission on cash and shoes by regularly washing hands and mopping floors. CASH ACCEPTED.
Water will be provided after session. A self-serve water cooler is located in our waiting room. Please be prepared to bring your own if you would like.